Texas Perinatal Association Grant Application Process

This Application Period: September 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024

 Awards to be announced: December 1, 2024

Abstract Guidelines: Application for Funding

The Texas Perinatal Association (TPA) is a not-for-profit multidisciplinary organization whose mission is to promote continuing improvement in the quality of healthcare from preconception through infancy in the State of Texas.

The TPA is actively committed to achieving continuous improvement in the quality of healthcare for mothers and infants in the State of Texas by:

•Promoting networking for providers of perinatal healthcare

•Supporting education for providers and consumers of perinatal healthcare

•Improving availability, accessibility, and continuity of preventive and primary perinatal healthcare services

•Promoting initiatives toward improving healthcare of mothers and infants

Ordinarily, grants are not intended to support operations, including salaries or renovations, however, exceptions may be considered based on the merits of the request.  

The Texas Perinatal Association has identified the following areas for funding:


* Developing future leaders in Perinatal Health

* Convening forums for improved outcome strategies within a multi-cultural perspective

* Providing continuing education for practitioners, families, and caregivers using the multi- disciplinary team approach

* Presenting family and consumer education opportunities

* Funding quality research programs in perinatal health

Public Policy

* Assembling groups to explore policy issues of perinatal importance

* Cultivating legislation to influence goals for education, practice and research in perinatal care

* Interpreting successful models of evidenced-based clinical practice to improve outcome strategies in perinatal health and healthcare


* Disseminating new research findings

* Developing new research models


The Application

The application shall consist of:

a. Cover page

b. Application

c. Project narrative (2 pages)

d. Budget page and justification

e. Letter(s) of recommendation


Mail application to:

Stacie Elizondo

3802 Inglewood Drive

San Angelo, Texas 76904

 Or Submit Online

Elements to be included in the Cover Page:

The cover shall be one page, typed single-spaced.

The content to be included is:

1.Title of project/program

2. Statement of the Purpose of the project with goals and objectives

3. Relationship of this project to the purposes of The Texas Perinatal Association

4. Description of the evaluation plans and the time frame for achieving the goals of the project

5. Resources (required) for this project, including outside resources and funding as well as requested amount from The Texas Perinatal Association

6. Explain how networking and collaboration will take place, if that is appropriate

7. A plan/program for disseminating the research and/or information from the project and the audience to whom it will be disseminated

8. At least one letter of recommendation from neutral sources familiar with your project/research